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Vendido por BASEHIT__MX

MercadoLíder Gold


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The Bauer X-LP Skates were designed for the player looking for their first pair of real hockey skates. The unique boot and extra-plush ankle foams help to make learning to play and skate as comfortable and as fun as possible.  The new easy-to-balance 13' runner is a real confidence booster since the strategic design provides much more stability than a traditional runner. 

Unlike the X-LS skate, this X-LP has a pro-inspired tongue that comes with extra padding needed to protect the top of the foot from gameplay impacts. While the LS Pro II holder may not have removable runners like the competitive level of skates, these feature very similar performance and durability benefits while looking just like what the pros use too!

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Hola, los tienes en talla 3 americana?Reportar
Hola, buen día. este modelo es para niños, la talla más grande es 18 MEX. para la talla 3 americana que solicita, le corresponde una medida de adulto y tienen otro costo más elevado, de $5,890 pesos. por ahora, sólo nos quedan disponibles en talla 2 y 3 de Bauer, que corresponden a 22 y 22.5 MEX. le dejo la liga por si gusta adquirirlos en alguno de esos dos tamaños: https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-1605610381-patines-bauer-x-lp-unisex-hockey-sobre-hielo-_JM saludos!