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Boca Del Río, Veracruz

Disponible 3 días después de tu compra

Vendido por CHABALO.

MercadoLíder Gold


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Size: Big

Large igloos come in four cool colors and they're made of translucent plastic so you can see your pet inside. Igloos are constructed from durable plastic making them easy to clean, plus they're odor and stain resistant. Igloos one piece design is easy to use and every igloo has fresh air vents to ensure your pets health and well-being. Igloos make a -inchcool-inch hideout for guinea pigs, ferrets, dwarf rabbits, chinchillas and other furry friends.

*1-piece guinea pig home encourages natural nesting instincts

*Durable translucent plastic construction lets you watch your pet playing inside

*Ideal for guinea pigs, ferrets, dwarf rabbits, chinchillas, and other small furry animals

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