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Structure Deck: The Crimson King puts you in the driver’s seat of the Phoenix Whirlwind!
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, unless you’re Jack Atlas, the Master of Faster! Structure Deck: The Crimson King puts you in the driver’s seat of the Phoenix Whirlwind and gives you command of the many faces of Red Dragon Archfiend!

Start off by Synchro Summoning one of the Level 8 “Red Dragon Archfiend” monsters, then Special Summon more “Resonator” monsters until you have the right combination to unleash even higher-Level Synchro Monsters like the imperious Red Nova Dragon!

This Structure Deck includes a massive Extra Deck to maximize your strategic flexibility. It also includes a brand-new Level 8 Synchro Monster that counts as Red Dragon Archfiend on the field or in the Graveyard and can turbocharge your own strategy while sending your opponent back to the Dueling stone age! Use this new monster to Summon one of the higher-Level Red Dragon Archfiend Synchro Monsters and you can Special Summon the original Red Dragon Archfiend from your Extra Deck AND eliminate all your opponent’s Attack Position monsters without needing to battle!

Structure Deck: The Crimson King comes with a total of 50 cards:

5 Ultra Rares
3 Super Rares
42 Commons

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