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Soledad De Graciano Sánchez, San Luis Potosí

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Solid Wood Stool 18 Inches High, with Pure Copper Decorative, Living Room Bedroom Side Table, Dining Room Stool 1 Set, Walnut Solid Wood, Easy to Assemble

Elevate Your Home Decor with Premium Walnut Wood StoolCrafted from highquality walnut wood, this 18inch wooden stool boasts a smooth surface that is handpolished and painted with a natural oil finish. This wood stool is also equipped with a nonslip pad on the bottom to prevent friction, making them perfect as a stool next to your music setup or to place CDs, teacups, and other items that you can easily.

Experience Unmatched Comfort Durability with HardWearing Black Walnut StoolMeasuring 18 x 12 x 12 inches, the wood of this stool is tough , ensuring that it can withstand heavy use without cracking or breaking.

Easy to Assemble Enjoy: Add Style Convenience to Your Home SetupThis exquisite black walnut stool is easy to assemble and comes with all the tools you need to assemble the photography stool quickly.

Versatile Stylish: Add a Modern Touch to Any Living SpaceThe modern style of this 18inch stool and stacking stools makes them for use in various rooms, including the living room, dining room, and bedroom.

Create More Space with Stackable 18inch StoolThis wooden walnut stool is stackable, making them easy to store when not in use. This feature is especially useful for those with limited space, as it allows for convenient storage without taking up too much room.

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