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Boy Latin Dance Salsa Dance Costume Childrens Performing
Boy Latin Dance Salsa Dance Costume Childrens Performing

dear buyer :our size it is for height option,u can choose what height it is for your child,
if 110cm,slim,u can buy 110cm,if a little weight,u can place 120cm,
but sometimes,u have to add 110+10cm ,cuz maybe next year,u can wear it

dear buyer :our size it is for height option,u can choose what height it is for your child,
if 110cm,slim,u can buy 110cm,if a little weight,u can place 120cm,
but sometimes,u have to add 110+10cm ,cuz maybe next year,u can wear it

dear buyer :our size it is for height option,u can choose what height it is for your child,
if 110cm,slim,u can buy 110cm,if a little weight,u can place 120cm,
but sometimes,u have to add 110+10cm ,cuz maybe next year,u can wear it

dear buyer :our size it is for height option,u can choose what height it is for your child,
if 110cm,slim,u can buy 110cm,if a little weight,u can place 120cm,
but sometimes,u have to add 110+10cm ,cuz maybe next year,u can wear it

Boy Latin Dance Salsa Dance Costume Childrens Performing
Boy Latin Dance Salsa Dance Costume Childrens Performing

Preguntas y respuestas

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Últimas realizadas

Puede vender sólo la camisa y qué precio tieneReportar
Estimado comprador: no podemos vender una camisa, es un conjunto completo, al mismo tiempo, no una camisa, es un precio más alto, es la tarifa de envío
Cómo puedo saber la tallaReportar
Es adecuado para la opción de altura, puedes colocar la altura que sea para tu hijo, si es de 160 cm, puedes colocar 160 cm, si es gordo, 170 cm