Regulable Bicicleta Ejercicio Fija Pedales Rehabilitacion
IVA incluido
MercadoLíder Platinum
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Lista de productos:
Subir y bajar de la bicicleta estática, reloj electrónico*1 +alfombrilla antideslizante*1+Almohadillas de fijación triangulares*1
Marco principal inferior *1
Marco principal central *1
Marco de conexión oblicuo medio *1
Pedal giratorio inferior *1
Codo de conexión superior *1
Tornillo de fijación *3
Tornillo de fijación *5
Llave multiusos *1
Llave hexagonal *1
Pomo flor de ciruelo *2
Instrumento *1
Tornillo de fijación *2
Tornillo de fijación *2
manual en español*1
Dual legged bicycle and arm dual action exercise equipment
Engage in low impact exercise from a comfortable home!!
The dual circulation exercise machine not only exercises the pedals for the legs, but also provides dual movements for the arms.
-Full body exercise
-Strengthening joints
-Improve flexibility
-Increase muscle strength
-Improve blood circulation
It is very comfortable, versatile, and safe. Very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. A dual cycle bicycle is a sports device designed to exercise, recover, and recover from lost exercise. It is very suitable for the elderly and as an assistant in the rehabilitation process:
-With height adjustment function
-It helps to strengthen joints and improve balance.
-Prevent bruising and minimize swelling and anti-inflammatory effects of varicose veins
-Relieve muscle and joint pain
-Stimulating cycle
-Double arm double action. It allows for horizontal and vertical arm exercises.
-Exercise legs simultaneously or independently.
-It can be used with preferred chairs or armchairs.
-It allows for comfortable exercise at home without any risks.
Garantía del vendedor: 1 meses