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Ciencias naturales y médicas


Libro de Bioquímica de Voet en Español o en Ingles


CHAPTER 1 Life 3
1. Prokaryotes 3
2. Eukaryotes 6
3. Biochemistry: A Prologue 14
4. Genetics: A Review 19
5. The Origin of Life 28
6. The Biochemical Literature 34
CHAPTER 2 Aqueous Solutions 40
1. Properties of Water 40
2. Acids, Bases, and Buffers 45
CHAPTER 3 Thermodynamic Principles:
A Review 52
1. First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy Is
Conserved 52
2. Second Law of Thermodynamics: The Universe
Tends Toward Maximum Disorder 54
3. Free Energy: The Indicator of Spontaneity 57
4. Chemical Equilibria 58
APPENDIX: Concentration Dependence of
Free Energy 61
CHAPTER 4 Amino Acids 67
1. The Amino Acids of Proteins 67
2. Optical Activity 73
3. “Nonstandard” Amino Acids 78
CHAPTER 5 Nucleic Acids, Gene
Expression, and Recombinant DNA
Technology 82
1. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 82
2. DNA Is the Carrier of Genetic Information 85
3. Double Helical DNA 88
4. Gene Expression and Replication:
An Overview 95
5. Molecular Cloning 104
CHAPTER 6 Techniques of Protein and
Nucleic Acid Purifications 129
1. Protein Isolation 129
2. Solubilities of Proteins 133
3. Chromatographic Separations 135
4. Electrophoresis 146
5. Ultracentrifugation 152
6. Nucleic Acid Fractionation 156
CHAPTER 7 Covalent Structures of
Proteins and Nucleic Acids 163
1. Primary Structure Determination of Proteins 164
2. Nucleic Acid Sequencing 176
3. Chemical Evolution 185
4. Bioinformatics: An Introduction 194
5. Chemical Synthesis of Polypeptides 205
6. Chemical Synthesis of Oligonucleotides 209
CHAPTER 8 Three-Dimensional
Structures of Proteins 221
1. Secondary Structure 221
2. Fibrous Proteins 232
3. Globular Proteins 241
4. Protein Stability 259
5. Quaternary Structure 266
APPENDIX: Viewing Stereo Pictures 271
CHAPTER 9 Protein Folding, Dynamics,
and Structural Evolution 278
1. Protein Folding: Theory and Experiment 278
2. Folding Accessory Proteins 290
3. Protein Structure Prediction and Design 302
4. Protein Dynamics 306
5. Conformational Diseases: Amyloids
and Prions 309
6. Structural Evolution 316
CHAPTER 10 Hemoglobin: Protein
Function in Microcosm 323
1. Hemoglobin and Myoglobin Function 323
2. Structure and Mechanism 331
3. Abnormal Hemoglobins 341
4. Allosteric Regulation 347
APPENDIX: Derivation of Symmetry Model
Equations 354
CHAPTER 11 Sugars and
Polysaccharides 359
1. Monosaccharides 359
2. Polysaccharides 365
3. Glycoproteins 373
CHAPTER 12 Lipids and Membranes 386
1. Lipid Classification 386
2. Properties of Lipid Aggregates 393
3. Biological Membranes 399
4. Membrane Assembly and Protein Targeting 418
5. Lipoproteins 449
CHAPTER 13 Introduction to Enzymes 469
1. Historical Perspective 469
2. Substrate Specificity 470
3. Coenzymes 473
4. Regulation of Enzymatic Activity 474
5. A Primer of Enzyme Nomenclature 479
CHAPTER 14 Rates of Enzymatic
Reactions 482
1. Chemical Kinetics 482
2. Enzyme Kinetics 487
3. Inhibition 492
4. Effects of pH 496
5. Bisubstrate Reactions 497
APPENDIX: Derivations of Michaelis–Menten
Equation Variants 501
CHAPTER 15 Enzymatic Catalysis 506
1. Catalytic Mechanisms 506
2. Lysozyme 517
3. Serine Proteases 525
4. Drug Design 539
CHAPTER 16 Introduction to
Metabolism 559
1. Metabolic Pathways 559
2. Organic Reaction Mechanisms 562
3. Experimental Approaches to the Study
of Metabolism 569
4. Thermodynamics of Phosphate
Compounds 578
5. Oxidation–Reduction Reactions 583
6. Thermodynamics of Life 586
CHAPTER 17 Glycolysis 593
1. The Glycolytic Pathway 593
2. The Reactions of Glycolysis 595
3. Fermentation: The Anaerobic Fate
of Pyruvate 614
4. Metabolic Regulation and Control 619
5. Metabolism of Hexoses Other than Glucose 630
CHAPTER 18 Glycogen Metabolism 638
1. Glycogen Breakdown 638
2. Glycogen Synthesis 644
3. Control of Glycogen Metabolism 647
4. Glycogen Storage Diseases 666
CHAPTER 19 Signal Transduction 671
1. Hormones 671
2. Heterotrimeric G Proteins 688
3. Tyrosine Kinase–Based Signaling 699
4. The Phosphoinositide Cascade 725
CHAPTER 20 Transport through
Membranes 744
1. Thermodynamics of Transport 744
2. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Transport 745
3. ATP-Driven Active Transport 758
4. Ion Gradient–Driven Active Transport 768
5. Neurotransmission 771
CHAPTER 21 Citric Acid Cycle 789
1. Cycle Overview 789
2. Metabolic Sources of Acetyl-Coenzyme A 792
3. Enzymes of the Citric Acid Cycle 806
4. Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle 815
5. The Amphibolic Nature of the Citric
Acid Cycle 817
CHAPTER 22 Electron Transport and
Oxidative Phosphorylation 823
1. The Mitochondrion 823
2. Electron Transport 828
3. Oxidative Phosphorylation 845
4. Control of ATP Production 862
CHAPTER 23 Other Pathways of
Carbohydrate Metabolism 871
1. Gluconeogenesis 871
2. The Glyoxylate Cycle 880
3. Biosynthesis of Oligosaccharides and
Glycoproteins 880
4. The Pentose Phosphate Pathway 892
CHAPTER 24 Photosynthesis 901
1. Chloroplasts 901
2. Light Reactions 903
3. Dark Reactions 926
CHAPTER 25 Lipid Metabolism 940
1. Lipid Digestion, Absorption, and Transport 940
2. Fatty Acid Oxidation 945
3. Ketone Bodies 959
4. Fatty Acid Biosynthesis 961
5. Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism 973
6. Cholesterol Metabolism 975
7. Eicosanoid Metabolism: Prostaglandins,
Prostacyclins, Thromboxanes, Leukotrienes,
and Lipoxins 993
8. Phospholipid and Glycolipid Metabolism 1004
CHAPTER 26 Amino Acid
Metabolism 1019
1. Amino Acid Deamination 1019
2. The Urea Cycle 1025
3. Metabolic Breakdown of Individual
Amino Acids 1029
4. Amino Acids as Biosynthetic Precursors 1047
5. Amino Acid Biosynthesis 1064
6. Nitrogen Fixation 1078
CHAPTER 27 Energy Metabolism:
Integration and Organ
Specialization 1088
1. Major Pathways and Strategies of Energy
Metabolism: A Summary 1088
2. Organ Specialization 1090
3. Metabolic Homeostasis: Regulation of Appetite,
Energy Expenditure, and Body Weight 1095
4. Metabolic Adaptation 1101
CHAPTER 28 Nucleotide
Metabolism 1107
1. Synthesis of Purine Ribonucleotides 1107
2. Synthesis of Pyrimidine Ribonucleotides 1114
3. Formation of Deoxyribonucleotides 1119
4. Nucleotide Degradation 1130
5. Biosynthesis of Nucleotide Coenzymes 1136
CHAPTER 29 Nucleic Acid
Structures 1145
1. Double Helical Structures 1145
2. Forces Stabilizing Nucleic Acid Structures 1151
3. Supercoiled DNA 1158
CHAPTER 30 DNA Replication, Repair,
and Recombination 1173
1. DNA Replication: An Overview 1173
2. Enzymes of Replication 1176
3. Prokaryotic Replication 1190
4. Eukaryotic Replication 1201
5. Repair of DNA 1213
6. Recombination and Mobile Genetic
Elements 1225
7. DNA Methylation and Trinucleotide
Repeat Expansions 1246
CHAPTER 31 Transcription 1260
1. The Role of RNA in Protein Synthesis 1260
2. RNA Polymerase 1265
3. Control of Transcription in Prokaryotes 1283
4. Post-Transcriptional Processing 1301
CHAPTER 32 Translation 1338
1. The Genetic Code 1338
2. Transfer RNA and Its Aminoacylation 1345
3. Ribosomes 1362
4. Control of Eukaryotic Translation 1398
5. Post-Translational Modification 1403
6. Protein Degradation 1408
*CHAPTER 33 Viruses: Paradigms for
Cellular Function W-1
1. Tobacco Mosaic Virus W-3
2. Icosahedral Viruses W-8
3. Bacteriophage W-20
4. Influenza Virus W-40
*CHAPTER 34 Eukaryotic Gene
1. Chromosome Structure
2. Genomic Organization
3. Control of Expression
4. Cell Differentiation
*CHAPTER 35 Molecular Physiology
1. Blood Clotting
2. Immunity
3. Motility: Muscles, Vesicle Transport,
Cilia, and Flagella